Skate Training

Our basic training for beginners is with quad skates, which has two front and two rear wheels. First the student uses the quad skates for nearly 3 months. Once they are qualified for the race, in next level they will start using inline skates. inline skates has two, three, four or five wheels arranged in a single line. This inline skates have instant brake capacity to slow down person while skating. Most have heel stop rather than toe stop,particularly indispensable for inline figure skating.

The modern style of inline skates was developed as a substitute for ice skates. There are different types of inline skates for different types of skating such as aggressive skating, speed skating, Inline hockey and artistic inline skating. Those differ in the boots, frames and wheels that are used. Most aggressive skates use a hard boot or a hard/soft boot for increased support.

Most of our trainers use high boots for inline skating which provides ankle support and easy to give training to the beginners. students during race uses a carbon fiber boot which provides great support with a lower cut allowing more ankle flexation.


Training Academy